Change Google's Instant Search
This morning, September 8, 2010, Google rolled out a new feature for its search engine: Google Instant. Instead of finishing your search terms, or query, Google updates and refreshes its results every 30 microseconds to give you what they hope are your search terms before you've finished typing. Since Google finishes your search for you, it's possible that millions of sites that used good keyword analysis and SEO are going to lose out. No one will see the same results with Google's Instant search.
Today, there are many confused content writers who are also concerned about what this means for their writing and future earning ability. For those of you who somehow manage content online using SEO, you may be concerned, too. By simply introducing a new feature, Google has the power to change the current face of SEO and search. Before these changes there are certain things that people do to try to rank high in Google, such as studying keywords and going for niche markets.
Google has already "warned" us to expect fluctuations in page impressions. It seems that when the Google Instant search engine is showing results it counts as a page impression. Google's Instant search engine has to change SEO in some way, doesn't it? There are already people who spam the heck out of others and try to climb the search engines without putting in work. What's next?
It is going to make it harder to determine how effective an SEO campaign or the implementation of new strategies is working because page impressions are changing. Now, your site will get a page impression just because it came up in the search results. It seems that out of this the big companies win because they pay to be the sponsored result and have the big bucks to SEO all the way to #1.
I have the top spot or first page of Google for several articles, but this just might change everything. They will still be there, but it's a question of whether or not the people will type out the words. In the past (yesterday), shooting for long-tail keywords was beneficial. Now, with Google Instant, I don't know. Do I try to write for shorter keywords?
The only thing that I do know to do or to let people know is that you can turn off Google Instant in your search settings.
The difference between Google Instant and the old search engine could be described as sheer laziness. With Google Instant you do not have to press enter to get your search results, but without it you do. I think if it is really that important that I save 2-5 seconds on each internet search that I make then perhaps it's time to re-prioritize my life.
I really don't know what this means. Myself, and many writer colleagues, make money with our own websites and by writing for other content/article sites. At least for me, it is an honest living, and one that I've worked very hard at learning from scratch. This motivation of Google's to save people time on searches potentially disrupts many people. I'm not sure it's worth the saved time.
I'm banking on this from Google's website:
Q:Does this change impact the ranking of search results?
A:No, this change does not impact the ranking of search results.